Norgen offers a full line of collection and preservation devices for stabilization of RNA at room temperature. Please see the table below for our recommendations based on your specimen type.

Specimen* Recommended Collection & Preservation Device
Plasma/Serum cf-DNA/cf-RNA Preservative Tubes (Cat.#63950) - RT stabilization of cf-RNA and exosomes for 30 days
Urine (Total RNA) Urine Collection & Preservation Tubes - RT stabilization of cell free and total RNA for 2 years
Saliva Saliva RNA Collection & Preservation Devices (cat.#RU53800) - RT stabilization of RNA for 2 months
Stool Stool Nucleic Acid Collection & Preservation Tubes (cat.#45660) - RT stabilization of RNA for 7 days

*If you are collecting a specimen not listed, please contact and one of our representatives would be happy to make a recommendation.