Ultrapure nuclease-free, protease-free, endotoxin-free ASTM Type I water that is suitable for direct use in all sensitive experiments such as qPCR, NGS, and cell culture.
All-in-One, Ready-to-use First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kits
For DNase digestion during RNA purification either on-column or in-solution
All-in-One, Ready-to-use First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kits
for the reverse transcription of microRNA from either Total RNA preparations or enriched microRNA preparations
for the reverse transcription of microRNA from either Total RNA preparations or enriched microRNA preparations
A quantified synthetic RNA (cel-miR-39) for spike-in during RNA extraction procedures and subsequent normalization in RT-qPCR assays
Ready-to-Use TaqMan Master Mixes with pre-mixed internal PCR control (HEX/VIC)
Ready-to-Use TaqMan Master Mixes with pre-mixed internal PCR control (HEX/VIC)