Stool DNA Isolation Kit Dx
For the rapid and simple purification of bacterial and host DNA from stool and fecal samples for in vitro diagnostic use

Stool DNA Isolation Kit Dx
For the rapid and simple purification of bacterial and host DNA from stool and fecal samples for in vitro diagnostic use
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Features and Benefits
- CE-IVDR marked in accordance with the European Commission Regulation (EU) No. 2017/746.
- Ideal for use in in vitro diagnostic workflows
Simultaneous isolation of both host DNA and microbial DNA (universal protocol)
Eliminates PCR inhibitors including humic acids
Fully compatible with Norgen's Stool Nucleic Acid Collection and Transport Tubes
High quality DNA for sensitive downstream applications including PCR, qPCR, sequencing and microarray
This kit provides a convenient and rapid method to isolate total DNA from fresh, frozen and preserved stool samples, including those preserved using Norgen’s Stool Nucleic Acid Collection and Preservation Devices Dx (Cat. Dx45660). The universal protocol conveniently allows for the isolation of total genomic DNA from all the various microorganisms and host cells found in the stool sample simultaneously. The kit removes all traces of humic acids and other inhibitors using Bead Tubes and a combination of chemical and physical homogenization and lysis, without the need of any phenol-chloroform extractions. A simple and rapid spin column procedure is then used to further purify the DNA with high yields and molecular weights of up to 50 kb plus. The purified DNA is of the highest quality and is fully compatible with all downstream applications such as PCR, qPCR, NGS and microarrays since all humic acid substances and other PCR inhibitors are removed during the isolation process.
NOTE: This product is not available for sale in the United States.
Supporting Data
Figure 1. Higher Yields of DNA than Competitor Z. Stool DNA was isolated from 200 mg of fresh stool samples using Norgen’s Stool DNA Isolation Kit Dx and Competitor Z's Kit. For evaluation, 10 µL of DNA from the elution was run on 1X TAE 1.2% agarose gel. Norgen's kit isolated much higher yields of DNA. Marker= Norgen’s HighRanger DNA Ladder.
Figure 2. Higher Quality DNA than Competitor Z. Stool DNA was isolated from 200 mg of fresh stool samples using Norgen's Stool DNA Isolation Kit Dx and Competitor Z's Kit. DNA quality was then was measured by Nanodrop. Norgen's Stool DNA Isolation Kit Dx isolated DNA of the highest quality.
Figure 3. High Quality DNA confirmed by Real-time PCR. Stool DNA was isolated from 200 mg of fresh stool samples using Norgen's Stool DNA Isolation Kit Dx and Competitor Z's Kit. DNA quality was confirmed by real-time PCR using 4 µL of stool DNA (total PCR reaction volume was 20 µL) to detect 16S rRNA from different stool samples. The earlier Ct value with Norgen's DNA samples (blue lines) compared to Competitor Z's samples (red lines) indicated a higher quality of stool DNA for downstream applications.
Figure 4. Taxonomic Classifications of 10 Fecal Microbiomes. A) Principal Coordinate Analysis of 10 fecal microbiomes showing differences in the distribution of taxonomic classifications between samples up to class level. B) Hierarchical clustering of 10 fecal microbiomes based on genus-level classifications, including a bar chart showing the relative abundance of genus-level classifications for each sample in the dendrogram.
Kit Specifications
Maximum Stool Input
200 mg (fresh/frozen stool) or 400 μL (preserved stool)
Type of Stool Processed
Frozen, fresh or preserved stool
Format | Spin Column |
Maximum Column Binding Capacity
50 μg
Maximum Column Loading Volume |
650 μL
Elution Volume | 50 μL |
Time to Complete 10 Purifications |
30 minutes
Applications |
PCR, qPCR, Southern Blot Analysis, |
Storage Conditions and Product Stability
All solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. This kit is stable for 2 years after the date of shipment.
Component | Cat. Dx27600 (50 preps) |
Lysis Solution | 60 mL |
Lysis Additive | 6 mL |
Binding Solution | 7 mL |
Wash Solution I | 30 mL |
Wash Solution II | 22 mL |
Elution Buffer | 3 mL x 2 |
Bead Tube | 50 |
Mini Spin Columns | 50 |
Collection Tubes | 50 |
Elution Tubes (1.7 mL) | 50 |
Product Insert | 1 |
The Isolation of High Quality Stool DNA and Its Application To Quantitative Adenovirus Detection Using Taqman Realtime PCR
Comparative Study of DNA Isolated from Stool Using Norgen’s Stool Nucleic Acid Isolation Kit and Norgen’s Stool DNA Kit
Comparison of Stool DNA Isolation Methods For Bacterial and Mammalian DNA Detection
Determination of the DNA Molecular Weight (MW) from different Norgen Columns and Isolation Methods
Gut Microbiome Diversity: Comparison of Stool DNA Preservation Methods
Title | Changes on fecal microbiota in rats exposed to permethrin during postnatal development |
Journal | Environmental Science and Pollution Research International. 2016. |
Authors | Nasuti C, Coman MM, Olek RA, Fiorini D, Verdenelli MC, Cecchini C, Silvi S, Fedeli D, Gabbianelli R |
Title | |
Journal | Biopreservation and Biobanking. 2016. |
Authors | Mathieson W, Sanchez I, Mommaerts K, Frasquilho S, Betsou F |
Title | |
Journal | Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. 2015. |
Authors | Pilar Goñi, Diego Almagro-Nievas, Joanna Cieloszyk, Silvia Lóbez, José María Navarro-Marí, José Gutiérrez-Fernández |
Title | |
Journal | Western Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal. 2014. |
Authors | Aruna Devi, Jenny Wilkinson, Timothy Mahony and Thiru Vanniasinkam |
Title | How to make DNA count: DNA-based diagnostic tools in veterinary parasitology. |
Journal | Veterinary Parasitology. 2011. |
Authors | Hunt PW, Lello J. |